
Capital of Hungary

Weekend 4-8 May 2007


History of Budapest

Budapest is not just an ancient city and not just a modern city. It is not a "historical" city like Rome, nor a "new" city created out of nothing, as St.Petersburg is in some respects. Rather, it is a city where destiny seems to have made numerous attempts to deny the past. Yet its inhabitants have always been able to rediscover this past, recover and return to life in a forceful and original manner.

The Danube (Dana) runs north-south through Budapest, separating the city into Buda (west) and Pest (to the east).


Highlights from the trip include among others:

1) Visit to the Opera House to watch Figaro

2) Visit to the Famous Turkish Baths and enjoying massages

3) Tea at Gerbeaud

4) Few drinks out at Potkulcs

5) enjoying the views from the Royal Palace


For more photos of Budapest